SMT Technology

SMT Technology - Technology Ability

Item TSMT Capability
SMT ( pick & place) Mounting Accuracy : +/-0.05mm (CM602), +/-0.04mm (NPM)
Chip Component Min : 0201 / 01005
IC (BGA/aQFN) Min : Pitch 0.30mm, ɸ0.20mm, >1000 balls (BGA)
LED Min : 0.25t (Top View), 0.3t (Side View), mini LED size : 5x9mil (sample)
LED bar related spec. Co-linearity : +/- 0.1mm, Angle Tilt : +/-3°, Angle Rotation : +/-2°
Lens Lens center to LED center shift : +/- 0.075mm
PCB Max length : 1200mm, Max width : 460mm / experience layer : 16L
Glue Dispensing Dispensing Accuracy: +/-0.02mm
Special Process Hot Bar bonding, ACF bonding, COF puncher, Potting Process,Aging Room. Laser printing,
die-bonding, wire-bonding, IEC17025 Lab (CNAS Lab)
Carrier Types Regular-type (T ≥ 0.8mm), Spring-type (0.8mm > T > 0.4mm), Magnetic-type (T ≤ 0.4mm)
with metal film (min thickness = 0.05mm)

SMT Technology - Fixture/Jig Design and Development

  • Test Fixture
  • F / T
  • ICT
  • Carrier
  • SMT
  • Wave Soldering
  • Router
  • Assembly